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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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You received this message because you're a subscriber to
TECHWR-L. This ad posting is sent daily directly to all
list members to help underwrite the costs of the list (just
as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal underwrite the
costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following ...
* ANNOUNCE: Featured Screen Capture/Screen Recording Software (NEW)
* ANNOUNCE: Welcome Hyperionics as a New TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor (NEW)
* JOB: Technical Publications Manager (Staff), Rancho Bernardo, CA
* ANNOUNCE: Build your skills in a tight job market!
* TRAINING: Online-Learning.com-Courses for Professional Development
* ANNOUNCE: Welcome KnowledgeBase.net - TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
* REMINDER: STC Montreal Competition is Open!
* ANNOUNCE: Camtasia lets you be everywhere at once!
* ANNOUNCE: TECHWR-L List Sponsorship Space Available
and at the end you'll find the concluding administrivia with
information about these ads and how to place your own.
ANNOUNCE: Featured Screen Capture/Screen Recording Software
We at Hyperionics (http://www.Hyperionics.com/) are proud to be
the newest sponsor of TECHWR-L. Hyperionics makes the screen-capture
standards HyperSnap-DX and HyperCam.
HyperSnap-DX is, we believe, the most powerful screen capture
utility available today. We capture screens of virtually any type,
including DirectX/3d, Voodoo, Glide, and even most DVD players!
We offer complete customization of both the interface (customizable
toolbars for example) as well as the controls (hotkeys can all be
defined). And HyperSnap-DX has a complete Voice Drive Interface for
hands-free operation! Our new v4.2 release has received the "Designed
for Windows XP" certification from Microsoft (the certification also
included Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT) and introduces our new Extended
Active Capture technology for Windows XP users.
HyperCam is an easy to use screen recorder that can capture mouse
movement, sounds and screen activity into an AVI file you can embed
into your documents or deliver via the web. You can even put
notations on the recording, excellent for not just telling but
showing users how something works.
Please visit our site at http://www.Hyperionics.com/ and try out
HyperSnap-DX and/or HyperCam, we know you won't be disappointed.
ANNOUNCE: Welcome Hyperionics as a New TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor
Join us in welcoming Hyperionics as a new Bronze-level
TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
Hyperionics is the maker of the popular HyperSnap-DX and HyperCam screen
capture products. Just-released HyperSnap-DX v4.2 adds an Extended
Window Capture function to the highly-capable screen capture and image
editing tool for Microsoft Windows. For use with Windows XP, the
Extended Window Capture function resizes a window to be much bigger than
the screen before the capture--in one quick step, no auto-scrolling!
Recently-released HyperCam v1.61.02 captures the action from your
Windows screen, saves it to AVI (Audio-Video Interleaved) movie file
format, and supports text annotations, sound, and screen notes (great
for creating automated software demos and software training!).
Hyperionics joins the growing list of TECHWR-L annual sponsors,
These sponsors, along with TECHWR-L monthly sponsors and advertisers,
provide key support that helps make TECHWR-L and all of its services
available at no cost. For more information about TECHWR-L sponsorships,
please visit the Sponsorships page.
Welcome--and thanks to--Hyperionics as a key TECHWR-L sponsor!
JOB: Technical Publications Manager (Staff), Rancho Bernardo, CA
Here is an opening at ProSpring Technical Staffing. Go to
http://www.prospring.net/Jobs/jobs.html if interested and apply via our
website. Please do not just send a resume.
Number: TW-461
Title: Technical Publications Manager (Staff)
Location: Rancho Bernardo, CA
Salary: $70-80,000
Job Description:
You will manage a team of technical writers creating procedures, service
manuals, and other publications related to the installation, operation,
maintenance of DOD electronic and mechanical defense systems.
o. 10+ years managing technical writing departments (REQUIRED).
o. Experience writing military documentation, such as aircraft and systems
maintenance, Interactive
Electronic Technical Manuals, military specifications, military O level
procedures, technical orders, service bulletins, etc. (REQUIRED).
o. Expert knowledge of and experience with SGML (REQUIRED).
o. Expert knowledge of and experience with MS Word and FrameMaker
ANNOUNCE: Build your skills in a tight job market!
Cracking the C Code: Creating Reference
Documentation for APIs and SDKs
Learn how to decode C header files and create useful
reference documentation. Get the knowledge you need
to start writing, instead of just cutting, pasting,
polishing and formatting.
Coming to North Carolina November 2.
Good Enough Documentation
A real-world, minimalist approach based on today's proven
best practices for creating documentation that's
"good enough' for today's "good enough" software.
Coming to North Carolina November 3.
To register, visit www.stc-carolina.org/training
No budget for training? Don't want to fly?
Order the workbook instead!
For more information, visit www.gordonandgordon.com
ANNOUNCE: Online-Learning.com - Courses for Professional Development
We specialize in courses dealing with Technical Writing, XML
Authoring, Usability, and Information Design. All courses provide
extensive instructor support, interaction, practical hands on
experience, and certification. Courses start monthly.
For further information, please visit:
or contact info -at- online-learning -dot- com
(please put techwr-l in the subject line).
ANNOUNCE: Welcome KnowledgeBase.net as a New TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
Join us in welcoming KnowledgeBase.net (http://www.knowledgebase.net)
as a new Silver-level TECHWR-L Annual Sponsor!
KnowledgeBase.net provides a Web-based application designed
to help organizations store data, content, and help files.
Requiring only a Web browser and an Internet connection,
KnowledgeBase.net provides the structure to organize and
manage this knowledge, and to present it in a user-friendly
and searchable format. Popular applications for KnowledgeBase.net
include document management, self-help customer support,
FAQ management, and policies and procedures sharing, among
KnowledgeBase.net joins the growing list of TECHWR-L annual
sponsors, including
OnlineLearning.com (http://www.onlinelearning.com),
TechSmith (http://www.techsmith.com)
Anitian (http://www.anitian.com)
These sponsors, along with TECHWR-L monthly sponsors and
advertisers, provide key support that helps make TECHWR-L
and all of its services available at no cost. For more
information about TECHWR-L sponsorships, please visit the
Sponsorships page
Welcome--and thanks to--KnowledgeBase.net as a key TECHWR-L sponsor!
REMINDER: STC Montreal Competition is Open!
The Montreal chapter of the STC has reopened its
competitions after a two-year hiatus. Why not
enter our Technical Publication and Online
Communication competitions this year?
Our 2001 competitions will recognize the best
technical writers and showcase their work!
You can enter our competitions as long as an
STC chapter in your local area is not running
a competition as well. To enter, you must:
1. Fill in the entry form available from the
STC Montreal web site. (www.stc-montreal.org)
2. write a cheque for the entry fee.
($40 Can./entry for STC Members,
$50 Can./entry for everyone else)
3. send 3 copies of your entry, the entry form
and fee by October 31, 2001.
To learn about the 2001 competitions, see
the STC Montreal website at www.stc-montreal.org.
For specific questions, or to join our judging
panel, please contact Justin Soles at
justin -dot- soles -at- discreet -dot- com -dot-
We're really looking forward to seeing your work!
presented by Lori Lathrop
Seattle workshop: November 16, 2001
Location: Doubletree - Bellevue
Times 8 AM to 4:30 PM
"An index is as important to your documentation as your documentation is
the product." (Lori Lathrop)
The one-day workshop is for writers and editors who need to create usable
indexes for either printed or online documents. Writers will learn to
several productivity tips and techniques in indexing technical
To request a brochure, contact LoriLathrop -at- compuserve -dot- com or call
704-531-0021. You may also download a brochure as a PDF file from the
IndexingSkills Web site (http://www.indexingskills.com).
Lori Lathrop is a Past President of the American Society of Indexers (ASI)
and a Senior Member of the Society for Technical Communication (STC). The
second edition of her book, An Indexer's Guide to the Internet, was
published by Information Today Inc. in 1999, and she is currently writing
Indexing Skills for Technical Communicators, which is based on her
ANNOUNCE: Camtasia lets you be everywhere at once!
Even if your staff can't be everywhere at once, Camtasia can. Train by
recording your screen, narrating your video, annotating and sharing
worldwide. Utilize Pack and Show, which makes your movies easily
accessible to your viewers - it converts Camtasia movies into an
executable file so users can easily install the TechSmith codec to view
the movie at the same high resolution you saw when recording the video.
No special software required!
www.techsmith.com/twr <http://www.techsmith.com/twr>
ANNOUNCE: TECHWR-L List Sponsorship Space Available
Want to market your product or service? Show your support for
the TECHWR-L community? Ensure that everyone knows your name?
- Sponsored by Your Very Fine Company, providing Widgets
- to the TECHWR-L Community since last week. For more info
- and special discounts, see http://www.example.com/
Put your message at the end of every message to the TECHWR-L
list (and at the top of the digests) for less than .00008
cents per impression. Contact Eric (ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) for
details and to sign up.
Learn more about sponsorships at
About posting ads:
Announcements on the TECHWR-L Premium Announcement posting
cost $50 to contact over 4900 TECHWR-L subscribers
directly each day for a week.
In an effort to provide a free service that allows you to post
announcements, jobs, and events, however, we have established other
The TECHWR-L Calendar provides a free resource for you
to post announcements, activities, and events:
The TECHWR-L Employment Central provides a free resource
for you to post, browse, and search job listings and personal
The TECHWR-L Daily Summary Mailing, a separate mailing list
that summarizes new content posted to Employment Central and
the Calendar, is now available and can further help get your
message out to interested people:
These resources are available at no cost to anyone, posters
or seekers, TECHWR-L subscribers or not. We encourage you to
regularly use these free services.
For jobs, announcements, and events that you specifically
want to be mailed directly to all 4900+ TECHWR-L subscribers
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact Eric
(ejray -at- raycomm -dot- com) or submit your paid ad at
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