Re: Postscript to "$3 a page" saga

Subject: Re: Postscript to "$3 a page" saga
From: "T. Word Smith" <techwordsmith -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 12:26:38 -0700 (PDT)

Am not sure. There's a line there, but I don't know
whether Bonnie crossed it.

I mean, if something is wrong--from tool to workflow
to environment to content--I think you should engage
in some minor discussion over why you and your
approach are right.

Perhaps the uberEditor, uberProgrammer, uberEngineer,
or uberManager won't appreciate your contribution, and
you'll still have to do it "the other" way or suck it
up and be a doormat, but is there a need to roll over
and be a doormat right up front and immediately? Maybe
it's a "knowest thou thine audience" thang?

Again, am not sure what I'd have done in Bonnie's

--- Michele Davis <michele -at- krautgrrl -dot- com> wrote:
> And what's the point of PROVING
> YOU'RE RIGHT? What's
> that all about? Low self-esteem? If you know you're
> right, you don't
> have to prove it to anyone by going on a rant about
> why you're right.


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Re: Postscript to "$3 a page" saga: From: Michele Davis

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