Re: Interviewing Strategies

Subject: Re: Interviewing Strategies
From: John Garison <john -at- garisons -dot- com>
To: Maggie_Secara -at- capgroup -dot- com, techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com
Date: Thu, 07 Dec 2006 15:25:02 -0500

I agree with Maggie. Having been on both sides of the desk, I like to
see enthusiasm from a candidate. Given two candidates with equal
qualifications, and if one of them said something like "This sounds like
a great opportunity that's right down my alley!" I'd be more inclined
to offer the position to them.

Once I had a situation where I offered the job to one guy who mulled it
over and declined, and when I called the second guy he said "Darn. I
just accepted another offer and I would really have preferred to work
with you". If the second guy had expressed his interest, he would have
gotten the job.

When I'm interviewing, I try to indicate my degree of enthusiasm. I do
try to sell myself if it's a gig I'd like to have. Comments like "Boy,
that sounds like it could be very interesting" or "That's a challenge
I'd love to dig into" lets them know that I'm interested and would
accept if offered.

My 2ยข,

John Garison

Maggie_Secara -at- capgroup -dot- com wrote:

I'd certainly never use those words either. But it can't hurt to make it
clear that you DO want this job. I tried it this last time, and you know, I
think it made a difference.


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