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TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
TECHWR-L Premium Jobs, Events, and Announcements
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Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:55:38 -0500
Posted on Sunday, June 23, 2013
TECHWR-L Premium Ads
You received this message because you're a subscriber to TECHWR-L. This ad
posting is sent daily directly to all list members to help underwrite the
costs of the list (just as ads in a newspaper, magazine, or journal
underwrite the costs of those publications).
In this posting, look for the following:
* Latest Articles on Tech Writer Today Magazine
* Adobe News of the Month
* News, Webinars and Blogs of the month
* Adobe Day Webinars
* Sponsored Posts
* Adobe Report from Antwerp: TCWorld Roadshow with FrameMaker
* Scriptorium: The treachery of images: Top 10 tips for SVGs
* Madcap: MadWorld 2014 – Call for Presentation Submissions!
* MadCap Software Announcements
* Latest Jobs on Tech Comm Jobs
* Latest Tech Comm News
TechWhirl’s Tech Writer Today Magazine
Every week TechWhirl publishes articles, news, and events focusing on
technical communications and technical writing.
Latest Articles (http://techwhirl.com):
* Celebrate Midsummer with content from TechWhirl this week |
http://bit.ly/11Rgh7L | #techcomm #UX
* Lots of helping hands in #techcomm, #UX, #CXM and #ContentStrategy show
up in #TechWriter This Week | http://bit.ly/12NjgEw
* "Exploring #RoboHelp: TOC, Index & Glossaries" in just 30 min / June 21,
9:30AM PDT #techcomm | http://ow.ly/m8Eo5
* sp: webinar "Using Advanced Features in Unstructured FrameMaker 11" June
20, 9am PDT #FrameMaker #Techcomm | http://ow.ly/m8EkE
* So, exactly what kind of content do you publish to the company website?
Vote in the #techcomm poll | http://bit.ly/13P4hI7
* Our #techcomm poll is really consumer poll this week: why do you visit a
company's blog(s)? | http://bit.ly/191m9S0 | #CXM
* Users Advocate: @mbakeranalecta pushes #TechComm to treat the Buyer as a
User of web content | http://bit.ly/13LNhT9 | #UX
* Initialisms, labels, and all the goodness on TechWhirl this week |
http://bit.ly/1bDM81q | #techcomm #ux #techediting
Adobe News of the Month
We launched a digital campaign on http://www.dowriteright.com for technical
writers who want a more powerful authoring tool than Word.
There are also a lot of conversations on social platforms (Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter) on the same subject – search for #WriteRight to join
the conversation!
*News of the Month*
The key event of May was the Annual STC Summit in Atlanta. Adobe was not
only a Platinum Sponsor of the event, but hosted an "Adobe Day" (see item
under blogs) and had 3 featured speaker presentations including Kapil
Verma, Vikram Verma and Maxwell Hoffmann. Our blog, "Key highlights of
#AdobeDay at #STC13 Summit in Atlanta" http://adobe.ly/12CJvt0 has links to
all of the presentations. A highlight was Adobe Day's keynote presentation
by FrameMaker's inventor, Charles Corfield, who is the only person we know
who also has his own Wikipedia page and has climbed Mount Everest.
The Adobe booth at STC Summit had a raffle for a highly coveted "Mad Men"
1964 portable typewriter. Charles Corfield was present most of the first
day, and had dozens of one-on-one conversations with existing and potential
FrameMaker users. The booth featured several RoboHelp and FrameMaker demos
by special guests, and two book signings.
*Webinars of the Month*
* June 25, July 11 and July 24, Maxwell Hoffmann on ROBOHELP 101: Product
overview for new users [a 3-part series] http://adobe.ly/12YCHGr
* June 27, July 10 and July 30, Maxwell Hoffmann on FRAMEMAKER 101:
Product overview for new users [a 3-part series] http://adobe.ly/12ZcN5x
* July 17, Sept 19, Oct 17, Nov 20 and Dec 12, Ray Gallon on Crossing
Boundaries: 5-part Content Strategy Series http://adobe.ly/131z6Hv
* July 18, Maxwell Hoffmann on Sess 9) FrameMaker for Word Users: DITA for
beginners: workspaces, built-in DITA 1.2 structures and 3 edit views
* July 25, Barb Binder on Designing Templates in FrameMaker 11
Blogs of the month
* Trends: Levels of Re-use http://adobe.ly/1326kId
* Rockley Group Publishes DITA book to print, epubs and mobile via Adobe
Tech Comm Suite http://adobe.ly/13zXP8h
* Key highlights from #AdobeDay at #STC13 Summit in Atlanta
* RoboHelp Featurette Videos, part 1http://adobe.ly/15OTKgU
* RoboHelp Featurette Videos, part 2
TechWhirl Sponsored Posts
* Adobe Report from Antwerp: TCWorld Roadshow with FrameMaker
* Scriptorium: The treachery of images: Top 10 tips for SVGs
* Madcap: MadWorld 2014 – Call for Presentation Submissions!
Interested in having a sponsored post on TechWhirl? Find out more here:
MadCap Software Announcements
Just Announced: MadWorld 2014 @ the Hard Rock Hotel, San Diego
The MadWorld Worldwide Learning Conference returns to San Diego April
13-15, 2014, for a technical communication conference with industry thought
leaders, company representatives and MadCap Software product evangelists.
Join us at the stylish Hard Rock Hotel and network with your peers, share
insights, meet MadCap staff, and enjoy nightly events with some genuine San
Diegan hospitality. Early-bird pricing, good through August 31, saves $200
on registration.
For more information, visit: http://bit.ly/MadWorld2014
Call for Papers: Submissions Due July 31, 2013
MadCap Software invites you to submit presentation proposals in the
categories of case studies, new technologies, technical writing best
practices, translation and localization, team collaboration, social media,
e-learning, multimedia and more. The deadline to submit your proposals is
July 31, 2013, and speakers are required to submit a minimum of three (3)
presentations for consideration.
For more information, including a list of what was presented last year,
visit: http://bit.ly/MadWorld_Papers
Latest Tech Comm Jobs on TechWhirl
Technical Editing: http://bit.ly/TechnicalEditingJobs
Technical Writing: http://bit.ly/TechnicalWritingJobs
Google+ Page | http://gplus.to/TechCommJobs
Some of our roles:
* Technical Writer (Amherst, OH) http://ow.ly/2xMeX5
* Technical Writer (Seattle, WA) http://ow.ly/2xM4gV
* Technical Writer (Houston, TX) http://ow.ly/2xLTqP
* Technical Writer (Washington, DC) http://ow.ly/2xLJA0
* Content Development Manager – Internal Services (San Francisco, CA)
* SharePoint Enterprise Content Management Consultant (Chicago, IL)
* Marketing Content Manager, Team Lead (Boston, MA) http://ow.ly/2xJXQt
* Junior Technical Writer (Denver, CO) http://ow.ly/2xIRgf
* Technical Content Writer/Editor (Hillsboro,OR) http://ow.ly/2xIAft
* Technical Writer /Editor 3 (San Antonio, TX) http://ow.ly/2xIoJL
* Technical Writer I – III (Senior) (Moon Township, PA) http://ow.ly/2xIdxr
* Manager, Kindle Content Risk Management (Seattle, WA) http://ow.ly/2xGGl7
* Content Specialist(Nutrition/Weight Management) (Dallas, TX)
* Content Producer (Coral Gables,FL) http://ow.ly/2xGjF9
* Technical Writer (Scotts Valley, CA) http://ow.ly/2xEYX4
* Technical Writer/Trainer (Plano, TX) http://ow.ly/2xEJgB
* Disaster Recovery Technical Writer (Long Island City, NY)
* Technical Writer (Houston, TX) http://ow.ly/2xAJoI
* Technical Writer (Aberdeen, MA) http://ow.ly/2xAzDf
* Instructional Designer/Trainer (Portland, OR) http://ow.ly/2xzbDI
* Instructional Design Consultant (San Antonio, TX) http://ow.ly/2xz1cY
* Marketing Instructional Design & eLearning Consultant (Albany, NY)
* Technical Writer (Austin, TX) http://ow.ly/2xxORd
* Technical Writer (Seattle, WA) http://ow.ly/2xxk5b
* Technical Writer (Greenville, TX) http://ow.ly/2xx8DP
* Technical Editor / Writer (Norfolk, VA) http://ow.ly/2xwQLs
* Associate Content Manager (San Bruno, CA) http://ow.ly/2xvB1c
* Content Manager (Houston, TX) http://ow.ly/2xvjAG
More Jobs on Tech Comm Jobs: http://bit.ly/techcommjobs
Technical Communication News
Latest Tech Comm News (http://news.techwhirl.com):
* MadWorld 2014: Call for Papers & Early Bird Registration
* IGC Brava!® Released for IBM Content Navigator http://ow.ly/2xGjzw
* SDL Enhances freetranslation.com with SDL Language Platform
* Bridgeline Digital launches iAPPS 5.0 with Enhanced Content Editing and
Authoring http://ow.ly/2xwoQt
* #techcomm news: CXPA Launches Certification Program in Customer
Experience Management http://ow.ly/2xu0oK
* AIIM Study Shows 82 Percent of Companies Still Lack Enterprise Content
Management http://ow.ly/2xixK1
* Got word that there's some big news from @DocToHelp tomorrow. We're
working on the release right now #staytuned
* Connexions Journal Issues Call for Papers for Second Issue
* Xyleme Updates Industry-leading LCMS with New Publishing Tools
* Quark Joins EMC Information Intelligence Solutions Partner Program
* NextDocs 6 Flexible Deployment Options Drive Faster Adoption and Lower
Costs http://ow.ly/2wxhGw
* ANCILE uPerform™ 5 Accelerates Training Programs Across the Enterprise
Interested in getting the news first or sharing a little? Join our new
LinkedIn Group—Technical Communication News: http://linkd.in/TechCommNews
Follow TechWhirl’s Tech Writer Today Magazine
Google + Page, Behind the scenes @ TechWhirl: http://goo.gl/XwPt3
Follow us on Facebook | http://goo.gl/tDrW7 (Posts and discussions)
TechWhirl on Twitter | http://goo.gl/itjDg (posts and technical
communication news)
Follow on RSS | http://goo.gl/msLzu (the site via RSS feed)
Technical Communication News on LinkedIn: http://linkd.in/TechCommNews
Updates from TechWhirl delivered to your email in box | http://bit.ly/tjshxU
Reaching our Readers
Advertise to technical writers and communicators on TechWhirl:
Announcements and Events
For announcements (a call for presenters) and events (conference on …) that
you specifically want to be mailed directly to all 3000+ TECHWR-L
in the TECHWR-L Premium Daily Announcement, please contact us at
(admin -at- techwr-l -dot- com).
Also, please be certain to add your events to our TechWhirl Calendar, which
is a free resource on our magazine for announcements, activities, and
events: http://www.techwhirl.com/events
Job Postings
Please do not directly post jobs to TECHWR-L. Instead, add it our new
website http://jobs.techwhirl.com
For a limited time all postings will be promoted on our magazine
TechWriterToday.Com and be featured in our TECHWR-L Premium Daily
Learn more about TechCommJobs|http://bit.ly/AboutTechCommJob
New! Doc-to-Help 2013 features the industry's first HTML5 editor for authoring.
Learn more: http://bit.ly/ZeOZeQ
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