Re: Creative Labeling
I used to think that 99% of these labels were fictitious creations - until this year I bought a carton of milk and there, on the label, "Caution: Contains Milk"
Doh - and now I found myself in the same club!
Contains wolves! Well, no, it really doesn't. I just wanted you to look.
We have noticed recently that rope is now sold with a kind of creative labeling. We wanted nylon rope, 100% nylon. (In particular we did not want polypropylene, which photodegrades easily.) The rope was attached to the back of a card for hanging it on a hook at the store. The front of the card said NYLON. Only after buying the rope and detaching it from the card could we read the previously obscured label on the back: "Contains 100% mixed fibers."
Sometimes rope is sold as "poly" rope. That's intended to imply polyester but usually means polypropylene. How to tell? Read the Spanish labeling, where either the word poliĆster or polipropileno appears! The adventurous or fastidious buyer of rope can use the "burn" test. Burnt nylon smells like celery, and polypropylene like candle wax.
The really fussy buyer will get rope from a marine-supply store.
We've already seen "Click START to stop."
What's next, breakfast cereal that's made with "100% ingredients"? Serving suggestion: Add "Caution Contains Milk."
Has any of us been commanded to create false, misleading or silly documentation? Or to omit crucial warnings? Or to submerge serious warnings in a sea of trivial ones?
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Creative Labeling: From: Janoff, Steven
RE: Creative Labeling: From: Brian.Henderson
Re: Creative Labeling: From: Hannah Drake
Re: Creative Labeling: From: Kathleen MacDowell
Re: Creative Labeling: From: Suzette Leeming
RE: Creative Labeling: From: David Harrison
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