Re: LinkedIn - Facebook for Professionals? or is it really "Myspace"

Subject: Re: LinkedIn - Facebook for Professionals? or is it really "Myspace"
From: Robert Lauriston <robert -at- lauriston -dot- com>
To: TECHWR-L Writing <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Sat, 9 Apr 2016 09:09:05 -0700

If you're looking for work in Silicon Valley and you're not on
LinkedIn, that would be almost as weird as not having an email

It's pretty much Facebook for work. The more connections you make with
people you work with or have worked with, the more likely it is to
suggest connecting with people you actually work with or have worked

On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 8:35 AM, William Sherman
<bsherman77 -at- embarqmail -dot- com> wrote:
> A few days ago, my daughter forwarded me one of those LinkedIn ads for jobs
> that might apply to her. She is in the film industry as a PA and 2nd AD.
> Most of the jobs were for a technical writer. ???
> So for grins, I decided to click the link to her profile to see what was
> there that might trigger it.
> "You and this LinkedIn user donĂ¢t know anyone in common
> You can only view the profiles of users within your network. However, as you
> add connections, you may discover people you know in common."
> So I don't know my daughter? We have the same last name and they think she
> is a technical writer, yet they send me connections for hundreds of people
> who have all sorts of unrelated backgrounds, job titles, and locations
> thinking I know them?
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Re: Developments in the review cycle: From: Chris Despopoulos
LinkedIn - Facebook for Professionals? or is it really "Myspace": From: William Sherman

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