Mixing numbers and words in the same sentence

Subject: Mixing numbers and words in the same sentence
From: John Posada <jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com>
To: "List,�Techwriter" <TECHWR-L -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999 10:48:39 -0800 (PST)

Hi, guys...I'm working on a help system and I've
written one of the lines of instruction as follows:

"Note: You can change the default display from 4
images to 9 or 16 images by selecting "Image Display
Options" from the menu bar."

One of the developers is wearing his tech writer hat
and is mumbling that the numbers 4 and 9 should be
written as words:

"Note: You can change the default display from four
images to nine or 16 images by selecting "Image
Display Options" from the menu bar."

I want to tell him to go back to his little cubicle
and leave me alone, but before I do, I want your

BTW...I'm aware of the "rule" that words under 10
should be written out, but I cannot justify in my
mind, mixing convention in the same sentence and my
CMS in my other office.

John Posada, Merck Research Laboratories
Sr Technical Writer, WinHelp and html
(work) john_posada -at- merck -dot- com - 732-594-0873
(pers) jposada01 -at- yahoo -dot- com - 732-291-7811
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--Bill Atkinson, creator of MacPaint and HyperCard
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